Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine. The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Ra
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 2: Transducer Installation.6 Ring ConnectionChapter 2: Transducer Installati
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 2: Transducer Installation!.3 Transducer InstallationAll transducers are s
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 3: Fault Finding and MaintenanceChapter 3: Fault Finding and Maintenance3.1
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChaDter 4: ODeration.2 MaintenanceInstrumentCertain atmospheric conditions may cau
ST50 plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation Handbook.l Depth KeySHALLOW ALARM,DEPTH,LIGHTSL3LIGHTSL2Depth Key NotesThe lights, shall
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 4: Operation3Trip KeyTIMERLOGSEA TEMPERATURE(Degrees C)SEA TEMPERATURE(Degr
ST50 plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and installation HandbookChapter 5: CODE Lock SecurityYou can, once the 5 or iU mrnute countdown timer
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChaoter 5: CODE Lock Securitv23II- ~I~ e .-A-C.. n.nwx8e 3; buuc LOCK mpui: ai: F
ST50 Plus Ttidata and Repeater Operation and Installation Handbook Chapter 6: Calibration258n Fewer-tipActionDisplay Shows1Press and DEPTH and SPE
ST50 plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 6: Calibration270DEPTHt\UNITSDEEP ALARMOFFSETInitial Calibration NotesUIlikP
:._ .. .-”-:-5 _I::-.:,,.._:._Autohelm@I .. ..- .^.. _-. . _-TRIDATA & REPEATEROperation andInstallation. . .:ii ._’.-.. .
ST’50 plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChanter 6: CalibrationI Log CalibrationThe ST50 Plus Tridata should not be used for
ST60 Pius Tridata and Repeater Operation and installation HandbookChapter 6: CalibrationThe following calculation must be used when carrying out Manua
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 6: Calibration\\1,1,SOWARESOWAREVERSIONVERSIONSECURITYSECURITY11JJlTo exit i
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookSPEED DAMPINGr-tlDEPTH DAMPING0DEPTH0MPTHINOT TO BE USED.FOR DbtER DEMONSTRATION.
ST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 7: Connection to other Marine EquipmentChapter 7: Connection to other Marine
Chapter 8: General SpecificationChapter 8: General SpecificationDimensions:Power supply:Power consumption:Temperature range:Speed through water:Trip d
ST50 Plus Ttidata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookAutohelm and SeaTalk are registered Trade Marks of Nautech LimitedAutohelms po
ST50 Pius Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookST50 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation Handbook“ackage ContentsTh
SE0 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and lnstalfation HandbookContentsContentsIntroduction...
ST50 Plus T&Ma and Repeater Operation and installation Handbook!SEOUus Ttidata andRepeater Operation andlhstallation HandbookIntroductionThe
Chapter 1: Control Head InstallationChapter 1: Control Head Installation1.1 Sing1lOmm (4.33in)t-738.75mm (1.5in)The ST50 Plus TridataRepeater is desi
ST50 Plus Ttidata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookThe rear case is fitted with a foam gasket to form a water-tight seal betweenthe ins
S730 Plus Tridata and Repeater Operation and Installation HandbookChapter 1: Con&o1 Head Installation.3 Power Supply (stand-alone operation)5 A
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